Monday, July 18, 2005

very short post...

haha lorraine complained i never blog so will just post a super short one, just to get the ball rolling ya?
i picked these up while browsing through friendster. huda gets credit for the first one, and i think gowri posted the second one in her profile... found it to be utterly profound.

Kuih ape yang bungkusnya di dalam, isinya di luar? :: Kuih salah bikin :: Binatang ape power Karate? :: Kuda belang, cube kira brape black belt dia ade :: Pintu ape yang walaupun dengan 10 org pun tak leh nak tolak? :: Pintu yang ade tulis 'TARIK' :: Saya ade 3 kepala, 4 tangan dan 5 kaki...siapakah saya? :: Pembohong :: Apa dia 'Jauh di mata, dekat di hati'? :: Usus :: Nenek sape jalannya meloncat- loncat? :: Neneknye si katak :: Knape lelaki jarang kene penyakit anjing gila? :: Sbb lelaki ni kan 'buaya'..hehee.

'We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other'...Luciano De Creschenz

very tired cause i slept at 4, dating with my darling Harry Potter! :-) and woke up at 9 to meet lorraine for a shopping spree, shop for baju, earrings, and also guy-hawking! hehe super fun will blog abt it later. though i also dunno who reads this...

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