Wednesday, August 08, 2007

i kinda miss ireland...

:-) it's been ages since i've updated and actually it isnt because i have nothing to say, or nothing's been happening, it's just i know how boring posts are without photos, so since i havent snapped any photos, or even if i did, it's not with me, i've refrained from blogging. no posts is better than a boring post ya? hehe
today im posting. partly cause i DO have a photo, and also because i realised i do miss ireland. when i came back for good, i told myself i was so happy to have that part of my life over and done with, that i'd treasure the memories but i doubt i'd long for it. that is until my mom started gushing about how she loves dublin though my mummy was there in the heart of winter, when it's the most horrible! for me at least. it hardly snows properly, and by the time it does snow, it's march! and it's so gloomy, the sun doesn't rise till 10 and by 4 it sets! it's gloomy, miserable but i miss it.
and summer just before exams, it's the most horrible time to study. i usually wait till the sun sets, so im not sleepy and i have the silent company of the night... makes me feel more noble! hehe but in ireland it's 10 before the sun sets! by 5.30 the sun is up! so u can imagine just how much studying i do actually get done. but i miss it all the same. the serenity. how everywhere i wanted to go to, was accessible by foot! life was simpler... greener... more beautiful...

but gosh, by no means do i wanna sacrifice my life now for it! hehe im home and while i mostly do housework and feed my brother (my mom works really long hours and there's just too much unnecessary hsework that'd just totally tire my mom more than she needs)... and i read.. hehe it's been years since i've had the chance to sit down with good novels and just read. and read and read... the holiday after i returned from dublin was spent obsessing with figuring out what i'd need in penang. this holiday im free!! oh not to forget, i've been watching Criminal Minds Season 2. im just so in love with Dr Spencer Reid. oh and Agent Aaron Hotchner is mighty cute too, in a brooding kinda way. oh, now i know why i have pimples popping up everywhere! it's the adolescent hormones spiking!

results were out yesterday. no warning, no postponement, just "click here to access your results". hehe no time to panic, no time to pray fervently, to bargain with God. hehe and im really happy with my results. i used to be happy with my results in RCSI but i also thought they just wanted to pass everyone of us, if possible so they wont be stuck with any backlog students, in transition, cause you see, we were kinda stuck in between two systems, the traditional system with accumulative 1st and 2nd professional exams at the end of 1.5 yrs and 3rd year and the new sem-for-sem exam where nothing is expected to be retained longer than that semester.
but in PMC, i dont think they need to pass us. they're not trying to impress anyone with excellent performances, or any board of finance-pool. truly. there's proof to back my conviction, in my mind la! hehe
but bottomline is, im very happy. really... so happy that it's cancelling out my PMS!

so... that's it i guess. hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally an update!

I'm glad to know you're pleased with your results and having a relaxing holiday back home. :)